Horse Arc Caption Competition - Ended

We had some great caption suggestions, it has been a tough call.
And the winner is...
Joanne Weatherhall with her caption:
"That last canter transition was a bit wooden!!!
Congratulations Joanne, we will send you the framed print.
There were so many...
How to move a mobile field shelter - without it falling apart.

It may be that you need to move your mobile field shelter to adhere to local planning regulations or simply to rotate grazing. For some, moving their field shelter goes without a hitch. But many horse owners have suffered costly damage to their paddocks and their shelter by moving their field...
Thumbs up from University for Horse Arc Field Shelter

Choosing the best mobile field shelter for your horse is a big decision, with a sizeable investment involved for the horse owner. When shopping around for mobile field shelters it helps to read reviews from real customers.
Horse Arc at Countryfile Live 2017

Horse Arc recently had the pleasure of sheltering Adam Henson's prize winning Highland Cattle at Countryfile Live this year. The family of Highland Cattle enjoyed the shade and sheltered from the rain during the 4 day event at Blenheim Palace. The Horse Arc was sited within the 'Adam's...